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University Guidance

Bespoke clinics/masterclasses designed to help you through your popular music degree.

Over the past few years, as popular music courses becomes more and more available within many universities I have been receiving an increased number of emails and phone calls from students and parents enquiring about enrolment assessments, and summative assistance. This could be purely a combination of the number of students wishing to embark on his or her musical journey, number of establishments delivering, or the individuals just needing more preparation. I have developed bespoke clinics/masterclasses to help assist the individuals. This service is also available to establishments delivering popular music courses throughout the UK and online.    Testimonial

  • These bespoke clinics/masterclasses are available for individuals who have acquired their grade 8 guitar, or have prior learning experience and would like to enrol in to university.  

  • These clinics/masterclasses have been designed firstly as an assessment process, to help the individual gain accessibility into university.  

  • This assessment will determine whether the individual’s understanding of the fretboard and theoretically knowledge is at the correct level to gain access. 

  • Once the results of an assessment has been evaluated, a bespoke plan and guitar routine will be implemented.  

  • This will cover, as an example, technical, theoretical and interview preparation. 

  • First Year. 

  • When an individual embarks on their first year of university, many students can find modules, weekly tasks, formative and summative assessment all a little overwhelming at first. Guidance is available for any of these areas, plus many others areas like, time management, practice routines, meeting targets, technical and theoretical development.

  • Second Year.

  • Where the major theory moves to the harmonic minor and its modes, stylistic studies become more important and compositional and recording skills become more demanding. Bespoke assistance is also available for all these topics.

  • Third Year.

  • Melodic minor harmony and its modes, advanced techniques, diminished application, advanced improvisation and many other topics are available for any individual needing help or assistance in meeting the mark. 

For prices and more details please contact

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